Enzyme Cleaners and Biofilms
Epsilon Chemicals Ltd. is the Canadian distributor for Realzyme. Realco/Realzyme is a Belgian company based in the Louvain-la-Neuve science park. It is the world leader in the development, production, and sale of enzyme-based hygiene solutions and processes.
ENZYMES: An enzyme is a natural protein that irreversibly transforms organic substances into a water-soluble residue. They are 100% biodegradable and are effective at a lower energy consumption level.
- EFFICACY: Enzymatic solutions clean deeper than classic chemicals.
- HYGIENE: The heightened performance of enzymatic solutions improves the effectiveness of the disinfection process.
- SAFETY: Enzymatic products work at a neutral pH and are not harsh on users. Certified free of risk of causing allergy, irritation, burns or toxic emissions.
- EXTENDING THE WORKING LIFE OF EQUIPMENT: Enzymatic products have a neutral pH and are not corrosive to the equipment they come on contact with.
- COST REDUCTION: Enzymes act as a catalyst – the cleaning action is therefore faster, requires less energy, lower use concentrations and facilitates application processes.
- SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Enzymatic solutions contain enzymes that are 100% biodegradable and are renewable raw materials.