Hygiene Monitoring
Epsilon Chemicals Ltd. is a distributor of many excellent HYGIENA products that provide the food processing industry with rapid, accurate and affordable test platforms to address their diverse and expanding microbiology and hygiene monitoring needs:
EnSURE Touch: A conveniently sized advanced monitoring system that is able to collect, analyze, and report data from a variety of different Hygiena test kits. It features a 5″ touch screen, cloud-based software, and wireless sync technology.

EnSURE ATP Luminometer: A quality monitoring system that uses one instrument platform to collect, analyze and report data from multiple quality indicators, including:
- Bacterial Detection
- ATP Hygiene Monitoring
- Allergen Prevention
- High Sensitivity Enzyme Measurement

SystemSURE Plus ATP luminometer: Revolutionizing ATP sanitation monitoring! Ultrasnap (surface test) and Aquasnap (water test) are user-friendly, self-contained ATP testing devices used in conjuction with the systemSURE products.
MICRO-SNAP is a rapid test for detection and enumeration of specific bacteria. Results are available in 1 to 7 hours, depending upon the required level of detection. Used for production surface monitoring, raw materials and finished product testing, solids, liquids and filterable products.
SUPERSNAP is the most sensitive ATP surface test in Hygiena’s ATP hygiene monitoring portfolio of products. Designed to work will all Hygiena luminometers, SuperSnap is an all-in-one test that detects extremely low levels of ATP.
Q-SWAB is designed to simplify the collection, transport and delivery of environmental samples prior microbiological test.
SPOTCHECK PLUS detects Glucose, present in 85% of all food products, and Lactose – perfect for use in the dairy industry. The self contained reagent turns from clear to green when glucose or lactose is present in a surface sample in under 60 seconds, allowing for immediate corrective action.
PRO-CLEAN detects protein residues left on a surface after cleaning. It validates the hygiene of a surface, allowing for immediate corrective action to be taken, if necessary.
INSITE is a quick and easy presumptive Listeria test that has been specifically designed to monitor the presence of listeria in environmental samples from the food-processing environment.
Hygiena Food Safety