Membrane Cleaning
Epsilon Chemicals Ltd. has a complete line of cleaners formulated to remove membrane fouling. Membrane fouling occurs when particles deposit on to a membrane surface in a way that affects the membranes performance.
In order to clean a membrane effectively you must determine what is fouling the membrane:
- Colloidal foulants such as clays, silica or flocs
- Biological foulants such as bacteria, fungi or algae
- Organic foulants such as oils, polyelectrolytes, or polymers
- Inorganic foulants such as mineral precipitates (calcium carbonate etc.)
In order to choose the proper cleaner you need to consider the membrane type as well as the foulant. Products available through E-Chem include:
- AMD Membrane Cleaner – A specially formulated, non-chlorinated, alkaline membrane cleaner containing a proprietary blend of non-rewetting surfactants. This product is low foaming, making it deal for CIP cleaning processes.
- EC 03 Membrane Cleaner – A concentrated liquid detergent formulated for the effective removals of inorganic and organic soils. This product can be used in a variety of food processing applications, including dairies and beverage operations. The proprietary blend of surfactants and other ingredients in this formulation facilitates the emulsification and removal of contaminants that may cause membrane fouling.
- EC 22 Membrane Cleaner – A premium, heavy-duty chlorinated membrane cleaner. This product is suitable for application in food, fairy, beverage, and general in-process applications. It has been formulated to improve membrane performance by effectively removing the membrane fouling layer, as well as fats, proteins, and inorganic matter.
- EC 75 Membrane Cleaner – A premium blend of inorganic acids formulated for cost effective low pH cleaning of membrane filtration systems. EC 75 Membrane Cleaner is suitable for application in food, dairy, beverage, and general in-process applications. It has been formulated to improve performance by effectively removing inorganic scaling on membranes.
- EC 180 Membrane Cleaner – A premium blend of organic acids formulated for cost effective low pH cleaning of membrane filtration systems. This product is suitable for applications in food, dairy, beverage, and general in-process applications. It has been formulated to improve membrane performance by removing inorganic scaling on membranes.
- NI Membrane Cleaner – A concentrated liquid detergent formulated for the effective removal of inorganic and organic soils. This product can be used in a variety of food processing applications. The proprietary blend of surfactants and other ingredients in this formulation facilitate the removal of contaminants that may cause membrane fouling.